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While we've been serving in The Netherlands for 12 years, we've both been in YWAM for much longer that that - Wim joined in 2000 and Jenni joined in 2006. Over all these years we've had the privilege of experiencing God's miraculous provision time and time again through our team of supporters. It's definitely a faith-adventure, especially now with four children to care for, but we have full-confidence that He will continue to provide! If you would like to join our support team, whether with a one-time gift, monthly or annual commitment - we would love to have you join us. Make sure to let us know here - and below you'll find different ways you can give! ❤︎

giving information


Wim Dufoort

NL30 INGB 0682 5934 27


Zelle/Chase Quickpay

giving links

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