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USA Furlough 2024


It's been EIGHT years since we've been on furlough as a family! Our two youngest children have never set foot on US soil! And it's been way too long since we've been able to connect with so many of you - our wonderful supporters, friends and family. 

In order for this trip to become a reality, we need quite a bit of miraculous provision. We trust that God is able and so step by step we are doing what we can to prepare for the journey.

The dates are not finalized as we haven't booked our plane tickets yet, but we would like to come sometime between middle of July - end of August 2024 (during our kids' summer holidays). We will also spend the majority of our time in Washington State, but we are of course open to invitations to other places, so don't hesitate to reach out!


PHASE ONE: we need to raise around €800 to apply for and renew the US passports of our kids. This needs to happen ASAP. 

PHASE TWO: as soon as we have their passports, we need to book our tickets. Depending on how long that takes and the tickets prices at that time, we will need to raise somewhere between €5000-8000.  We would LOVE to fly direct- there is a direct flight from Amsterdam to Seattle- since we are traveling with four kids (pray for us, haha!)

PHASE THREE: for our time in the States we need both transportation and housing. We plan to visit both Eastern and Western Washington, and we need a car (that can hold six people plus lots of luggage) to be able to do that!

PHASE FOUR: Last but absolutely not least, we need places to go and people to see! We'd love to make an appointment to visit you personally or visit your church/group to share about missions and what God has been doing in and through our lives! Fill out the form below and let us know what's possible.

Right now we are heading towards PHASE TWO! Still waiting to finalize and receive the passports before we can book tickets, but are needing the finances for phase two as soon as possible!

Make sure you're receiving our prayer updates to keep updated on where we are at in the process! Fill out the form below to let us know if/how you are able to help us out. And most importantly: PRAY FOR US! This feels like such a big undertaking and we really need your support!

USA furlough 2024 contact form

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